See also: Important dates | Accomodation
The 6th Italian School on Magnetism continues the series of highly successful schools promoted by the Italian Association for Magnetism (AIMagn).
This edition is titled
“Information processing in spin-based systems”
and will take place in Milano, on June 6th – 9th, 2023, Room T.1.1, Building 13 of Politecnico di Milano (Trifoglio).
The main topics covered by the school are:
- Unconventional and spin waves computing (WC)
- Spin orbitronics (SO)
- Quantum Computing (QC)
The school will offer a broad introduction to each topic followed by lectures on fundamental aspects, experimental techniques, simulation tools, and cutting-edge applications. The general aim is to offer an overview of basics and more advanced (and recent) trends in applying spin-based and quantum systems to information processing, fields of magnetism that are expected to be game changers in the following years.
The edition 2023 is organized by the Department of Physics of Politecnico di Milano and will be held in the main campus (piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano).
The school targets Italian and international graduate students, Ph.D. students, post-doc, and young researchers. Students are invited to prepare a poster to present their scientific activity. More information will appear soon. AIMagn will grant awards (€ 150 each) for the three best posters presented at the School.
Download the flyer of the event
The program of the lectures is reported here below:
hh:mm |
Tuesday, June 6th Introduction |
hh:mm |
Wednsday, June 7th Spin-based wave and unconv. computing (WC) |
hh:mm |
Thursday, June 8th Spin orbitronics (SO) |
hh:mm |
Friday June 9th Quantum computing (QC) |
09:00 |
WC1. Introduction to magnonics (fundamentals, theoretical aspects and overview on research fields)
Burkard Hillebrands (Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany) |
08:30 |
SO1. Exploring the potentials of spin-orbitronics Aureliene Manchon (Aix-Marseille University, France) |
09:00 |
QC1. Fundamentals and theoretical aspects of quantum computing, with emphasis on CMOS silicon-based qubits and computer architectures Marco De Michielis (CNR-IMM, Agrate) |
10:30 | Coffee break | 10:00 | Coffee break | 10:30 | Coffee break | ||
11:00 |
WC2. Experimental techniques for magnonics/1 – BLS and TRMOKE Silvia Tacchi (CNR-IOM, Perugia, Italy) |
10:30 |
SO2. Fundamentals of spin Hall effect and magneto-electric spin-orbit logic Luis Hueso (CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain) |
11:00 |
QC2. Experimental techniques for spin qubits manipulation and readout
Alessandro Crippa (CNR-Nano, Pisa) |
12:00 |
WC3. Experimental techniques for magnonics/2 – Broadband spectroscopy techniques
Florin Ciubotaru (IMEC, Belgium) |
11:15 |
SO3. 2D spin-orbitronics Luis Hueso (CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain) |
12:00 |
QC3. Molecular magnets as qu-bits and qu-gates
Lorenzo Sorace (Università di Firenze, Italia) |
14:30 |
Introduction to the school Paola Tiberto – INRIM Torino General information |
13:00 | Lunch | 12:00 | Lunch | 13:00 | Lunch |
15:00 |
WC0. Wave computing Philipp Pirro (RPTU Kaiserslautern, Germany) |
14:00 |
WC4. Micromagnetic simulations for magnonicss Papp Adam, (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest) |
13:00 |
SO4. Modeling of spin torques and spin-to-charge conversion by transport calculations
Stefano Sanvito (Trinity College, Dublin) |
14:00 |
QC4. Modelling and analysis of silicon spin qubits Elena Ferraro (CNR-IMM, Agrate, Milano) |
16:00 | Coffee break | 15:00 |
WC5. Application of magnonics to RF signal processing Hugo Merbouche (University of Münster, Germany) |
14:00 |
SO5. Experimental techniques for spin-orbitronics/2 (electron and photon based spectroscopies) –
Ivana Vobornik (CNR-IOM, Elettra synchrotron, Trieste) |
15:00 |
QC5. Molecular Magnets on Surface: a Dantesque Journey Through the Ab Initio Realm Matteo Briganti (Università di Firenze) |
16:30 | SO0. Introduction to spintronics: Spin generation, transport and manipulation – Felix Casanova (CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain) | 16:00 |
WC6. Interaction between magnons and surface acoustic waves Massimiliano Marangolo (Institut des Nanosciences de Paris. Sorbonne Université, France) |
15:00 |
SO6. Roadmap of spin-orbit torques and experimental techniques for spin-orbitronics Pietro Gambardella (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) |
16:00 | Coffee break |
17:30 |
QC0. Introduction to quantum information and computing Enrico Prati (Università statale di Milano, Italy) |
17:00 |
Poster session with appetizer |
16:00 | Social event | 16:30 |
QC6. Integrated optical interferometers for quantum information applications Andrea Crespi (CNR-IFN & Politecnico di Milano, Milano) |
18:30 | Welcome Appetizer | 20:00 | Social dinner | 17:30 | Best poster awards and closure |
Participants are required to be members of the Italian Association on Magnetism (AIMagn) or of our sister association Club Español de Magnetismo (cemag). If you are not a member yet, you will be asked for an increased fee (+15 €) that includes the subscription to AIMagn.
Early registration fee (until April 21st May 8th): 275 € (members of AIMagn or cemag) – 290 € (not yet members)
Late registration fee (April 22nd to May 22nd May 31st): 325 € (members of AIMagn or cemag) – 340 € (not yet members)
The school fee will cover a conference kit, lunches, and coffee breaks. Please, note that the accommodation and the social events (social dinner and tour) are not included in the registration fee.
To register, please follow the simple steps below.
A) Fill out the form for the subscription to the school available at

B) If you are not already an active member of AIMagn or Cemag, please fill out the PDF available here and send the signed version to, together with proof of the payment (see point C).
C) Proceed with the payment for school (and membership, if needed). It can only be made by a single bank transfer to the Associazione Italiana di Magnetismo. Please, don’t forget to use the proper “payment description”.
Payment description: School 2023 – Your Name and Surname – “School + membership” or “School“
IBAN: IT37G0200812710000101395051
Christian Rinaldi*, Matteo Cantoni, Riccardo Bertacco, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italia
Paola Tiberto†, Istituto nazione di ricerca metrologica (INRIM), Torino, Italia
Organizing Committee
Christian Rinaldi*, Matteo Cantoni, Riccardo Bertacco, Alberto Brambilla, Stefania Mosca
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italia
Scientific Committee
Paola Tiberto†, Istituto nazione di ricerca metrologica (INRIM), Torino, Italia
Alek V. Dediu†, CNR-ISMN, Bologna, Italia
Massimo Solzi*, Università di Parma, Italia
Vito Puliafito*, Politenico di Bari, Italia
Lorenzo Sorace*, Università di Firenze, Italia
Christian Rinaldi*, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italia
Matteo Cantoni, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italia
Riccardo Bertacco, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italia
*Member of the AIMagn council
† President of the AIMAgn Council
Poster session
The poster session will take place on Wednesday, June 7th at 5:30 p.m.
AIMagn will grant an award (€ 150) for the three best posters presented at the School. A panel of judges will select the best posters on the basis of the following criteria: clarity, self-explanatory and layout. Each participant will have a few minutes to explain the content of the poster to the referees.
The poster boards can host vertical posters in A0 format (84,1 cm x 118,9 cm).
Please, register your poster by Wednesday, May 31st in a couple of minutes at the following link:
At your discretion, the poster could also be printed in Milan, for example, at Politecnico di Milano’s printing centre (Poliprint). In that case, we suggest contacting them by e-mail (, +39 02 2399 2099) and sending the PDF of the poster by Monday 5th.
Social events
Guided tour on the Duomo di Milano terraces and dinner at the “Osteria dei Vecchi Sapori”.