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1- Call is open for Roberta Ciprian Award
The Award “Roberta Ciprian – Young researcher in magnetism” was established to follow up, in a formal and continuous way, the initiative established in 2019 and promoted by family and friends in memory of Roberta Ciprian. The award is attributed in recognition of outstanding contributions to fundamental and applied magnetism by young researchers. The deadline to present nominations is January 8th, 2024.
Applicants will receive a communication on their evaluation on January 29th, 2024. The winner will present his/her work at the next AIMagn conference
More info are available at https://www.aimagn.org/2023/11/11/roberta-ciprian-award/
2-First MRS University Chapter in Italy @UNIGE.
We are glad to announce the creation of an MRS Chapter at Genova University: This would consolidate our pioneering role in Materials Science in Italy and Europe with the aim of encouraging international collaboration within different existing European Chapters and disseminating culture and knowledge outside the academic community.
1 – Magnet2024, VIII ITALIAN CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM, Milano 7-9 February 2024
This is the biannual National Conference of the Association. The deadline for early registration is January 12th 2024. Besides the rich scientific program, we remind you that the General Meeting of the Association will be held during the conference. More info can be found at https://magnet.aimagn.org/
2 – International Workshop on Ising Machines – Messina 16-18 April, 2024
The International Workshop on Ising Machines (IISM) will be held in. This workshop is “Technically Co-Sponsored (TCS) by IEEE Nanotechnology Council (IEEE NTC)” and co-organized by TC-16 Quantum, Neuromorphic, and Unconventional Computing Technical Committee of NTC and Petaspin Association. Born out of the growing interest in the application of Ising machines for combinatorial optimization, the IISM aims to provide a dedicated platform for discussion and collaboration in this burgeoning field.
More info can be found at: https://www.petaspin.com/isingmachines2024/
3 – New Horizons in Nano-Magnetism (H-MAG24), Iglesias, 27-29 June 2024
This is a Satellite event of ICM24 (Bologna, June 30th –July 5th 2024). The workshop is designed to stimulate the discussion on strategies, properties and applications of magnetic particles, obtained by using both bottom-up and top-down fabrication processes.
Chairs: Davide Peddis, Gaspare Varvaro, Sara Laureti
More info at http://www.hmag.it/
4 – Spin-based computing and signal processing (SpinCom24), Milano, 28 June 2024
This is a Satellite event of ICM24 (Bologna, June 30th –July 5th 2024). The workshop is aimed to gather scientists working on a major challenge of spintronics: entering the field of computing and signal processing. The workshop will consist of invited talks by world-leading experts and a poster session open to contributions by all participants.
Chairs: Riccardo Bertacco et al. (Politecnico di Milano)
More info are available at https://www.aimagn.org/spincom2024/
5 – The 22nd International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024), Bologna, 30 June – 5 July 2024
The 22nd International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024) will be held in Bologna, Italy, June 30 – July 5, 2024. ICM is the largest conference of the magnetism community worldwide and is associated to IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) and its group C9-Magnetism. It covers the whole area of magnetism, from fundamental research to advanced applications. The Conference will feature 8 Plenary, including the Nobel Prize winners Albert Fert and Giorgio Parisi, 10 Semi-Plenary talks, more than 100 Invited talks, more than 500 Oral talks and a number of Focus Symposia.
The abstract submission opens on December 15th!
Please, submit the abstract through the official website.
General Chair: Valentin Alek Dediu
Vice Chair: Ilaria Bergenti
Chair of the Scientific Committee: Stefano Sanvito
More info at https://www.icm2024.org/
6 – 25th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS2024), Perugia, July 7–12, 2024
This is a Satellite event of ICM24 (Bologna, June 30th –July 5th 2024). The Colloquium will consist of invited and oral talks given by world-leading experts from research institutes, universities and industry. There will be extensive poster sessions, where attendants and particularly early career scientists and students are encouraged to present their work related to the fields covered by the ICMFS2024.
Chairs: Gianluca Gubbiotti; Francesca Casoli
More info at https://www.icmfs2024.it/
We remind all the members that open positions can be advertised on our website by filling up the specific form available at https://www.aimagn.org/aimagn-open-position/