AIMagn School 2025 – Magnetic nanomaterials

Perugia (Italy) – 20-24 October 2025

The 7th Italian School on Magnetism follows a series of highly successful biyearly schools promoted by the Italian Association on Magnetism (AIMagn) and started in Pavia in 2012 (following editions: Parma – 2014, Milano – 2016 Torino – 2018, Roma 2020 and Milano 2023). This edition will be organized by the Nanomagnetism group, GHOST Laboratory (Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, University of Perugia and CNR Istituto Officina dei Materiali).

Following the tradition of the School, the 7th edition will provide training in the basic principles of magnetism and magnetics through a series of fundamental lectures. Emphasis will be also put on the latest insights into the development of magnetic nanomaterials and their applications, with lectures focusing on specific topics.

To promote the dissemination of science, the School also includes an evening event of divulgation character. The School is addressed to Italian and foreign graduate and PhD students, as well as to post-doc and young researchers. To stimulate the discussion between students and lecturers, we strongly encourage the participants to book the room in the same hotel where the conference will be held, taking advantage from the discounted rates granted to the attendees. Students are invited to prepare a poster to present their scientific activity.

Further detailed instruction on the school program, registration fees, hotel booking procedure and poster preparation will be provided in late spring 2025 on the AiMagn website:


Giovanni Carlotti & Marco Madami – UniPG
Gianluca Gubbiotti & Silvia Tacchi – CNR-IOM

Organizing Committee

Luca Ciaccarini, Raffaella Pellegrini, Raffaele Silvani and Alessio Stollo – UniPG


Hotel Giò, Perugia

Flyer of the event

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