
Few links to useful programs: 

FORC analysis (First Order Reversal Curves): Freeware program that calculates first order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams from raw FORC data files

LLG Micromagnetics Simulator:  full 3-dimensional simulation tool with integrated graphics that solves the Landau-Liftshitz-Gilbert-Langevin equations (with spin-torques) by relaxation and/or integration.

Magnetism@home: Magnetism@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to explore the equlibrium, metastable and transient magnetization patterns (first and foremost in nano-scale.

magpar: static and dynamic micromagnetic problems including uniaxial anisotropy, exchange, magnetostatic interactions and external fields.

mumax3: a GPU-accelerated micromagnetic simulation program developed at the group of Prof. Van Waeyenberge at Ghent University. The code is written and maintained by Arne Vansteenkiste. A speed-up of the order of 100x compared to CPU-based simulations can easily be reached.

OOMMF: extensible public domain programs and tools for micromagnetics.