Magnetic materials for energy

The third event of the AIMagn colloquia series

Magnetic materials for energy

was held in Parma on May 26th 2022, 2.30 p.m. (CET) at the Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche of Parma University, Parco Area delle Scienze 7/A.

Colloquium Chairs
Franca Albertini (CNR-IMEM Parma and and IEEE MAG Italy Chapter)
Massimo Solzi (Università di Parma)

Keynote Speaker
Oliver Gutfleisch -Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) – ‘Magnetic materials for energy conversion – state of the art

Invited speakers
Vittorio Basso (INRIM Torino)
Mario Carpentieri (Politecnico Bari)
Francesca Casoli (CNR-IMEM)
Francesco Cugini (Università di Parma)
Claudio Sangregorio (CNR-ICCOM)

Local Organizing Committee
C. De Julián Fernández (CNR-IMEM)
S. Fabbrici (CNR-IMEM)
A.C. Gray (Università di Parma)
A. Ricci (Università di Parma)

AIMagn Colloquia Organizing Committee
A.V. Dediu (CNR-ISMN)
L. Del Bianco (Università di Ferrara)
S. Laureti (CNR-ISM)
D. Petti (Politecnico Milano)
P. Tiberto (INRIM Torino)

You can download the BOOKLET of the event and the Flyer:


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